Third Party Administration (TPA)

Program Management

We serve as a partner resource to your underwriters for your program needs in claims management, full transactional management, reserving, financial reporting, internal analysis, risk reviews, and agency interaction. We believe this impacts the overall profitability of program business and protects the carrier’s ultimate exposures.

General Liability

Complete handling of liability claims from a simple slip and fall to complex accident claims. We work with claimants and insureds to complete a comprehensive investigation, negotiation, and suitable conclusion.

Products and Property Liability

Whether it is a manufacturing or design defect investigation or a failure to warn, we have extensive experience investigating all types of product claims and property liability occurrences.

Professional Liability/D & O

Allied American USA has claims professionals that work with the carrier and key stakeholders to investigate all claims thoroughly and arrive at a proper resolution. Our staff has decades of experience handling complex D & O and professional liability claims.

Litigation Management

We are highly proactive at management of defense counsel in the litigation process throughout the life of the proceedings. We work during litigation to oversee all the phases of the legal process, billing, and cost containment. We provide proper legal management, communication and promote efficiencies during the initial phase through final legal conclusion.

Coverage and Loss Analysis

Providing statistical analysis of trends, reporting, documentation, and calendar management. We can provide tailored information to provide our clients with improved decision making and claim management. We work to assist our clients’ underwriters and executive teams with loss analysis information to make informed decisions that impact the profitability of business written.

Special Investigation Services

We support our clients by thoughtfully investigating each claim for subrogation possibilities as well as for early detection of any fraud indicators present. If detected, we will assist a fraud team to identify fraudulent factors, complete required statutory reporting, and support fraud mitigation for future incidents. Our experts can also review your SIU procedures to provide a set of protocols for your team to follow.

MGA/TPA Oversight Analysis and Audit

Through a separate subsidiary, US Insurance Services Group, we provide resources to assist carriers that write and service business through third parties to perform required oversight of their program partners. We provide objective reviews that contribute to the program’s success by improving contractual compliance, risk reviews, financial processing and reporting, internal controls evaluations, and results analysis. We provide a comprehensive executive-level report that assists all parties to consider opportunities to improve program results.

Underwriting Inspections

We assist you by obtaining critical information on properties from high-net worth homes to large commercial risks. We have a large network of inspectors throughout the country and will customize your program to fit your underwriting needs for adequate pricing and internal controls. We meet with your underwriting teams and design a customized program for inspections to maximize the quality of risks underwritten to protect bottom-line results.